In May 2022 I received my BFA in graphic design at Mercy College.
I enjoy crafting strong visual concepts, and I have a particular passion for book covers and sports design.
In 2020, I was selected to participate in Connect 4, a prestigious mentoring program, with leading designers of color, aimed at promoting diversity in design. I had the privilege of being paired with Jonathan Jackson of the firm WeShouldDoItAll, and with whom I meet weekly to discuss my practice and career. Other acclaimed designers in the program include Eddie Opara, Natasha Jen, Forest Young, Kojo Boateng, and Min Lew.
Check out my Design Observer podcast with my mentor Jonathan Jackson here.
In addition to being a burgeoning designer, I’m a skilled photographer, and have shot numerous events for clients and friends. I’m also fascinated with shooting portraits and capturing great moments at concerts. You can find my photographs here.
Apart from my creative work, I am a musicophile, a bookworm and I love hiking and spending time in nature.
If you’re interested in connecting with me, both my email and resume are below.